
“The Power of Growth Mindset: Embracing Challenges and Crafting Our Own Version of Success”

Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the profound effect of a growth mindset on both my personal and professional lives. Quite simply, it’s a game changer. Let’s dive a little deeper to understand what it is all about and how it can transform how we perceive our challenges and measure our success.

The essence of a ‘growth mindset’, brilliantly coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, is the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be nurtured and developed over time. It’s about diving headfirst into challenges, holding on in the face of setbacks, and realising that effort is the stepping stone to mastery.

A standout example of the growth mindset is none other than the legendary Steve Jobs. Despite significant setbacks – dropping out of university, and being fired from Apple, the company he built – in the words of Steve Jobs, “Pursue your dreams and see the opportunities in life’s setbacks” Jobs took what he learned from these experiences and bounced back…the rest is history! His unwavering determination, visionary thinking, and commitment to continuous improvement left a lasting impact on the world. Jobs had an eye for value creation, a knack for foreseeing customer needs, and a relentless drive to deliver simple yet groundbreaking products that changed the face of mobile technologies.

As for strategies to achieve a growth mindset, first, let’s challenge our inner Jobs and start by viewing challenges as ‘growth’ opportunities. When you face a hurdle, don’t shy away; consider it an occasion to learn and develop new skills. If you’re struggling with something, don’t just say, “I can’t do this”; add a ‘yet’ to that sentence. This shift in language acknowledges the potential for growth and improvement, framing your struggles as temporary, not permanent.

Next, embrace the power of constructive criticism and the lived experiences of others. Rather than dismissing feedback, take it as a tool to refine and better your skills. It’s about seeing feedback as a stepping stone towards your growth journey, not as a personal attack. Moreover, be inspired by others’ achievements of their goals. Instead of viewing them as threats, learn from their experiences and strategies, and consider how you can apply those learnings in your own life.

Adopting a growth mindset goes beyond just embracing failures. It’s about changing how we define success and failure. Ask yourself: what does success look like or feel like to you? How do you perceive failure? Our views on these can be significantly different from others. Defining success on our own terms allows us to experience a deeper sense of fulfilment. When we view failure as a detour guiding us towards improvement, rather than a dead-end, we start turning stumbling blocks into the material needed to create a solid foundation on which to build.

Forming a team has taught me one crucial lesson – I would always prefer those who’ve tried and stumbled over those who have never dared to venture beyond their comfort zones. Remember, it’s through trying and not quite getting there (especially during the tough times) that we really learn and grow.

Another integral part of the growth mindset is the wisdom in understanding that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Echoing the words of Simon Sinek, ‘No one knows everything, but together we know a whole lot.’ Asking for help isn’t always easy. I know from personal experience that we often resist reaching out due to a whole myriad of reasons. Sometimes we don’t want to burden others, or maybe we fear relinquishing control. I’ve been there, and I can tell you it’s worth overcoming those hesitations. The reality is, people are usually more willing to help than we give them credit for. Reflecting on challenging times in my career, I’ve had countless conversations where others have said, ‘Why didn’t you tell me, I could’ve helped?’ Their sincerity always strikes me, and it’s taught me to truly believe that they mean it. So, don’t shy away from asking for support when you need it – it’s not a sign of weakness but a testament to your strength and resourcefulness. Why spin your wheels trying to do everything alone when you can draw from the collective wisdom around you? In my journey, I’ve found that the support and encouragement of countless individuals are powerful forces – and a heartening testament that people are generally good and kind, ever ready to lend a helping hand.

So, let’s make a pact to embrace a growth mindset, redefine success and failure, and lean on the support of others in our different journeys. By adopting this outlook, we can tap into our true potential, achieve amazing things, and positively impact our lives and the world around us.

It is time to rewire our minds and embrace that ‘every setback is a setup for a comeback’. Here’s to growth, courage, and ongoing improvement. 

Remember, the power of a growth mindset is inside each of us. All we have to do is let it out. And who knows? Maybe the next Steve Jobs is reading this post right now. 🙂

Keep growing, mate!


Emma Bennett
Business Improvement Consultant and Coach

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